Thursday, January 25, 2018

President Trump predicts 'tremendous increase' in UK-US trade

In a series of warm exchanges in Davos, Switzerland, President Trump also told the UK PM: "We love your country."
He also rejected "false rumours" of differences, saying that the two leaders "like each other a lot".
Mrs. May replied that the "really special relationship" between the UK and US continued and they stood "shoulder to shoulder because we are facing the same challenges across the world".
"Alongside that working for a good trade relationship for the future which will be for both our benefits, so the UK and the US both do well out of this - and it's been great to see you today."
And Downing Street said later that they had asked officials to work on "finalising the details of a visit by the president to the UK later this year".
Meanwhile, relations in other, more personal ways, were heating up between the Yanks and the Brits.  We're luring them into our trap with our women.

Given how legendary Obama's hatred for the British was, this has got to gall him immensely.

The chemistry between these two is just amazing.  They need to have a bunch of little royals.


  1. There has been talk of a free trade pact with the UK. I think that it's a good idea.

  2. Duhbama's probably flopping around and squawking like a wounded seagull.....

  3. like a wounded seagull that just ate a puffer fish

    1. just gotta love rebellious teenagers who just want to go their own way.

  4. "...They need to have a bunch of little royals."
    Well when your only job is to reproduce.....

