Saturday, January 6, 2018

No way I could sleep on that thing

Moonlight Buttress, Zion.


  1. When I think about the late night need to take a whiz and the sleepy, slightly disoriented walk to the bathroom, I figure that I'd end up at the bottom of the canyon, dead, with my yank in my hand and some tourist would take photos and put them on facebook writing, "Caption This!"

    So, no, I'll pass.

  2. I don't care how cute or rich she is. I am a dedicated flat-lander. Stepstools are too wild for me most days.

  3. I'll stick to my heated water bed thank you.

  4. Have done it, slept on a similar rig in a chimmney climb in a cave. One never really gets to sleep, just sorta resting.
