Saturday, January 13, 2018

Johnny Cash and June Carter at Folsom Prison on January 13, 1968.


  1. 1968. I was 13. We had a neighbor lady that was a spittin' image of June Carter Cash. Every time I saw that lady; Chris Matthews had nutten compared to the thrill up MY leg!!!!!

  2. You sure this picture wasn't "photoshopped"? All those inmates in the background look like white Anglos.

  3. I'm sure the list of things that are simultaneously "fifty years ago" and "just yesterday" is going to get depressingly longer.

    For me, I was 15 in '68.

  4. Not Folsom, but still a California prison.
    "Haggard approached Cash to say, "I certainly enjoyed your show at San Quentin." Cash responded, "Merle, I don't remember you bein' in that show." Merle's response? "Johnny, I wasn't in the show, I was in the audience."."
