That's nippy.
Temperatures atop the New Hampshire mountain, which is known for its bitterly cold temperatures and fierce winds, were forecast to sink below -20 degrees Friday, dropping to somewhere between -70 and -80 degrees after accounting for windchill. Overnight, air temperature is set to hit -40 degrees, with 100-miles-per-hour winds causing windchill to hit -100 degrees.
But despite the punishing temperatures, at least three hearty weather observers, and a cat, will be stationed at the Mount Washington Observatory, recording information about air temperature, wind speed, visibility and cloud cover at the summit every hour — manually, since extreme cold destroys most automatic equipment.
Muh Truck!! Do you get the impression that if given a gentle rap with a hammer, the whole thing would shatter?
Forecast is for a high of +56F at the White Wolf Mine today. And at the risk of sounding like a smug SOB, it's why I selected the Arizona highlands in lieu of more northern latitudes. It's in the "Goldilocks Zone" - not too cold in the winter and not too hot in the summer.