Tuesday, August 13, 2024




  1. SNAP! went the leg…

    1. That was my first thought ... OUCH!!!

    2. Yeah, I'm betting when he came down on the leg at 60-90MPH, he broke the femur, tibia, fibula, and some foot bones, just for openers.

      Should have curled up and rolled, and let the leathers take up the bulk of the stored energy that catapult created.

  2. Marc Marquez number 93
    el néné......

  3. The rest of that sequence is the part that left a mark.

  4. Hell of a highside

  5. Never bail off in line with the bike slide. You almost always slow down much faster than the hard sided bike will, and it will attempt to punt you into the spectators area when it hits you. If possible, remain on top until you see where the bike is headed. This rider bailed too soon. Generally a bike will slide 3x farther than a leather clad rider on pavement. Gravel, sand, dirt, and grass all have different levels of stickiness for leather.

    1. Attaboy Anon, you tell him. Marc Marquez: won 6 World Gran Prix championships (one of those as a rookie), one of only four drivers (in history) to win championships in three different categories, won 59 premier series races and is credited with innovating the cornering technique that is now the standard (or the standard that lesser riders aspire to). But go ahead with your bad self and give him riding lessons. Unless your real name is Valentino Rossi or Kenny Roberts you probably should have kept you mouth shut…. SMDH

    2. I've had that happen to me (but not as violent so didn't crash). When it snaps back that hard you're along for the ride and technique becomes a memory.

    3. Dear Anonymous 5:12P,
      It evidently escaped your attention that he wasn't giving him riding lessons, he was giving him falling lessons, which he clearly could have used prior to this vault into pain.
      Maybe you figured the laws of physics don't apply to the top riders...?

    4. He didn't bail off, he was THROWN off. It's called a highside, and you know nothing.

    5. 5:12pm, my comment was more to point out some of the details that the race track commenters don't bother to mention to race spectators.

      So, which track was your home track? Mine was Sears Point, same as Kenny Roberts. He rated it as the most technically challenging track in the US prior to leaving for Europe. That track flat scared the pro's in AMA. Only track I crashed on, and that was due to a mechanical failure.

    6. 11:30am
      He clearly pushes off with his right foot. He left early, and in the same direction his bike was traveling.

  6. Sixty years from now he'll re-experience that moment every time he tries to get out of bed....

  7. Yup , did something similar with left leg on my last bail off.
    Shattered my pelvis and broke both my fibula and tibia.

  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYxeW5t4xgQ
