Saturday, August 17, 2024

This was probably inevitable, but no. Just no.


For those facing extreme threats, STING APC is the ultimate defense upgrade, offering enhanced IED/mine protection and upgraded bolt-on, bolt-off external offset steel and ceramic armor plating, meticulously designed to protect against 14.5mm heavy machine gun rounds from key azimuths.

This level of protection is critical for military and defense operations where threats are not only present but imminent and severe. Additionally, the optional genset enables long-endurance missions, ensuring that your vehicle remains operational for extended periods without the need for external power sources.

Designed for moderate threat environments, STING Protector builds upon the UP INVINCIBLE® off-road package by adding bolt-on, bolt-off external offset steel armor plating. This advanced armor is specifically designed to withstand 7.62mm assault rifle rounds, providing critical protection from key azimuths during engagements.

Whether you’re a private individual, a corporate entity, or a government agency operating in areas where security concerns are present but not extreme, STING Protector offers the peace of mind you need. It’s available with or without the genset, allowing you to tailor the package to your specific operational needs.


  1. No F*ckin' Way!!!

    I will stick with my Toyota Tacoma with a 6-speed manual tranny.

  2. Heh heh, you said tranny...

    1. The un-Woke dudes on this forum may understand that a car/truck transmission was called a "tranny" far longer than the disgusting libtards forced sexual dystopia on the rest of the world.

  3. Just don't get it wet. And don't forget to plan your mission so you can keep it charged up.

  4. imagine trying to clean the interior of that windshield.

  5. So what happens to the battery pack when you hit a mine? Let's see video of that.

  6. I would like to know the make and model of the tires.

  7. generator optional..... for extended periods.


  8. the tires can deadline it in place

  9. I guess it's in the fine print that it's not to be used on any surface slicker than wet grass and rougher than a golf course.

    We've all seen videos of them needing to get towed out of something my 2wd Silverado would have no problem with.

    Does it come with some kind of overide, or does it just brick in place when it's time for an update?

  10. But can it make it across Baltimore without getting jacked?

  11. I prefer my Smith and Wesson ... and my F250 Powerstroke.

  12. Let me see here🤔
    Out of ALL the capable off road vehicles out with decades of lineage to choose from
    I believe I will choose a vehicle that has NO history of reliability, that was sent to an aftermarket company that bolted on some WONDERFUL new technology and calls it "rugged and reliable".
    Absolutely no mention of any one computer part failing in the field, caused a total shutdown of said vehicle.
    In a word , laughable!
    Today's lesson,
    A fool and his money are soon parted!

  13. The Clown Show continues.


  14. "optional genset enables long-endurance missions" ...fancy and thinly veiled way of saying: If you wanna make sure you have all the battery power you need, better take along a generator (hydrocarbon fueled of course!)... These electric masturbation vehicles are stupid to begin with, and this raises their stupidity to weapons grade levels!

  15. easy enough solution; get a bigger landmine or other approptriate ordinance. 3

  16. I want to laugh at this, but then I remember the Tucker Carlson video where he lets his farmer buddy use a Cybertruck for several months.
    The video shows some unexpected capabilities.
    I still wouldn't have one as my can't-fail vehicle, but I have a bit more respect for the thing now.

    - Charlie

  17. I wanted to mock, but all the good mocking has been done.

    1. Incorrect! I mention jet fuel below.

  18. Has anyone done any testing on these things in the presence of an EMP? I'm thinking they turn into large door stops.

  19. Amp Drive G125... designed to run on jet fuel??? WTF?
