Monday, August 26, 2024

These guys made it home on time. The two astronauts in the ISS? Not until next year.



  1. Talk about the fall from greatness... even Rome was able to bring her sailors home after sending them abroad. WITAF....

  2. Well yea, they came home from the desert, not the moon.

    1. Likely true. If you read Herman Kahn's "On Thermonuclear War" you will understand the mindset at the time; we "had" to convince the Russians how advanced we were. We were not that advanced technologically, but we were advanced in movie making, so there you have it.

      The Van Allen Belt, the precision and the fuel required to get back, etc. No.

    2. And don't forget that the US was so advanced we actually carried a 4-wheeler moon buggy up there! That delicate landing craft in the background lowered it so gently to the surface and then the boys had a totally butt-rockin' good time spinning donuts and popping wheelies!! America Fuck Yeah!

    3. An Indian spacecraft just took pictures of the Apollo landing sites on the moon, now go adjust your tinfoil hat.

  3. NASA has sunk from greatness back in the 60s and 70s.

  4. That because the soundstage was terrestrial!

    Chutes Magoo

  5. Don't laugh, but as Boeing goes, so goes the country

  6. ...and they did it using machines designed with slide rules. The Nav computer had 36 kilobytes of Magnetic CORE Memory. The average smart phone today has 30 or more Gigabytes of solid state random access memory and CPU processing power that the moon astronauts could only dream of.

    All of you that claim we never went to the moon and that multiple missions were done on a sound stage need to do better research. You're like the people that think that high altitude jet exhaust contrails result from the government "spraying" us with toxic chemicals. In other words, you're even crazier than I am and I'm batchit crazy ;-)).


    1. Thanks for your opinion, the way, in your research did you find
      out how all the men that 'went to the moon' survived the van allen belt
      radiation? No? Didn't think so. 'Cause they could not have.

    2. Here's a jolly country western tune for your entertainment.

    3. Anonymous August 26, 2024 at 7:22 AM: Everybody knows that tinfoil hats and lead underwear are 100% effective against Van Allen Belt radiation!
      The biggest question why did they spend so much money in rockets. It would have been a lot more cost efficient to just wait for the moon to be in the right spot and just push the astronauts of the edge of the earth.
      Do your OWN research people!

    4. Yeah, that whole "Oops, we lost all the code" thing is insanely laughable! Anybody that truly believes that... Well, you know the rest of the schtick.

    5. No... they really DID lose all the technology! It was in the shed out back in those boxes and the janitor threw it all out.

    6. All that code was on Hilary's servers.

    7. "All that code was on Hilary's servers."
      And Joe's garage.

  7. Though it's only an illustration the painting above is highly inaccurate. Everybody knows from our several missions to the moon that the sky at that location is jet black. No stars are visible when standing on the moon. You'd think with no atmosphere which inhibits clear viewing that there'd be billions of stars visible but you're dead wrong. Pitch black.

    1. Didn't the Voyager spacecraft use stars to navigate? Seems I saw that somewhere.

    2. Maybe Voyager navigates its trajectory in reference to stars but all evidence of every trip to the moon shows there are no stars visible if you're standing on the moon with a camera. That's science. NASA, which means "Never A Straight Answer" simply doesn't broach the topic.

    3. What a convenient story. No stars are visible from a place that has no atmosphere. That story alleviates having to reproduce them accurately on the soundstage over a period of time.

  8. " thats no moon, itsa space station "

  9. Sigh, I do so miss the nasa that was the can-will-does outfit it used to be. And to a lesser extent boing-boing...

  10. Read Flying Blind to understand what happened to Boeing.

    1. Does it have anything to do with common core and participation trophies?


    1. Major disbelief in the moon landings began way before this dude wrote about $30 billion swindle in 2019. I believed the story from 1969 up until 2001 when I purchased my first computer and read actual scientists describing the impossibilities.

    2. "... and read actual scientists describing the impossibilities."

      Might these have been the same as the "bought and paid for" ones that support "human caused global warming"? That is a total scam, and as a side effect they have ruined the general reputation of "scientists".

  12. Well, all the naysayers can get a knuckle sandwich from Brigadier General Aldrin. Even at 94, I’m pretty sure he would deliver it.

  13. I read Musk is going to try and get those guys out with SpaceX.

  14. I want my M TV ! . But seriously folks, NASA now stands for Not A Space Agency.
