Tuesday, August 13, 2024

That's a lot of dolphins!



  1. It's a Tide Pod of Dolphins.

  2. Not dolphins, porpoise. Turceopis truncatus in this case. Flipper, in other words.

  3. What is chasing them?

    1. I would guess they're just having fun enjoying the physical gifts that God has given them. Kind of like Turkey Vultures enjoying the amazing concept of Dynamic Soaring.
      They may be critters, and they may not have a belief or appreciation of The Creator, but that doesn't mean they can't love and enjoy the freedom of movement that is a gift to all living beings from Him. Thank you, Lord.

  4. Saw a mega-pod of them off the CA coast from Palos Verdes Peninsula one day.
    Had to be two miles of them in length, moving up the coast offshore a mile or two.

    They must have hit the mother load of prey fish, and been herding them like the Great Khan's Mongolian Golden Horde, because the flock of sea birds overhead picking at the leftovers would've darkened the sun.

    1. Similar experience a hundred miles offshore of Colombia in pacific. At fifty miles I was getting a tiny here/gone contact on radar, I thought it might be sub or small boat. Dolphins everywhere, I was tracking their splashes. It was a fun day on the water.

  5. Elmo’s comment above is truth. Praise be to our maker, who creates such marvelous beauty.

  6. I had a big one chasing fish in my canal a couple of days ago. Watched him (her?) swim right under my dock.
