Monday, August 5, 2024

That's the attitude, sister!



  1. Yes, as long as it is what I tell you to do

  2. Replies
    1. Exactly what I thought.

    2. Yes it is she, Bardot...and she left the game early, did exactly what she wanted to do, establishing a refuge for animals, Big Animals, lions tigers and bears.

  3. Oui--C"est La Brigitte!!!

  4. She had puffy lips before Botox was dreamt of

    1. The cosmetic industry was built on replicating the traditional norms of feminine beauty throughout the ages. Somehow that was corrupted to what we have now.

    2. Yes, bloated fish lips are disgusting.

  5. Now use that caption on a picture of Kamala…

    1. Well., that one...'she's'a man, baby!

    2. You have to be more creative than that! You can't see a black woman and just repeat the same insult you used with the last black woman!

      After 15 years of hearing you say that Michelle Obama is a man you have to come up with new material. This line of attack has already been tried and failed.

    3. It may have failed in your sphere of influence but in mine, Mike "Nobama" is still a tranny.

    4. 11:58 It is good to know that you are in the minority. Michelle Obama had one of the best selling books in the last few years and is revered across the political spectrum.

      I can only imagine that the next 8 years with a black woman as a president will be very tough for you.

    5. Kamala ain't black. She is East Indian. She just lies about being black to get the black vote.
      Black or white or Indian... she is still a complete moron.
      If there is 8 years of her idiocy hopefully you will finally see how rediculous your leftist/ socialist stance was. But I don't have much hope for leftists and the ability to reason.

  6. Brigitte Bardot in the 1958 Film in case of adversity or in french "en cas de malheur" with Jean Gabin
    el néné....

  7. From "As Good As It Gets".

    She asks him 'how he writes women so well', and he replies: “I think of a man. And I take away reason and accountability.”

    Perfectly encapsulates the Bardot line above.
