Tuesday, August 13, 2024

SpaceX Ties Another World Record Set by... Yeah, SpaceX


It's both amazing and shocking to watch happen.  Who is this guy??

And it's a lesson for all of us.  One man can make a difference.


  1. Might I suggest that he doesn't hire according to DEI standards.

  2. Musk is NASA's delivery boy. He is nothing more than a government contractor. He is doing a great job at delivering goods into orbit but not so much on his other endeavors.

    1. This is a delusional take.

    2. He did it. You did not. Cry somewhere else.

    3. A troll... NASA sits and watches, every now & then they do something. Musk does something everyday and it's not just one industry!
      One man doing good can make a difference!

    4. Jealousy is an ugly thing.

    5. NASA? They don't fly much and sometimes blow their stuff up. But their EEO stats are awesome. Decades of Affirmative Action has consequences.

    6. All of Musk's successes are based entirely on Gov subsidies; the fave welfare boy. Like Gates and Zuck, chosen for the roll. Centrally he has a knack for using the handouts intelligently. Hardly a one man show; he is, no doubt, surrounded by talented people that he chose. A little shocked by the mindless celebrity worship in the comments.

    7. All of his successes? How much did you (making the assumption you do pay taxes..) have to kick in for Paypal?

  3. I've developed a definite bromance with this African American entrepreneur.
    Good thing I'm not gay because if I was, I'd be heartbroken.

  4. Where I work, they've hired some dingbat in HR that is trying to push all the woke crap. I'm sure Musk doesn't aspire to such nonsense.

    1. If you can't get it killed right now, best get to finding another job, as those idiots kill companies.
      The HR departments are the devils work. They in no way contribute to a healthy business.

  5. I've caught many of these blast offs from Vandenberg where I live in northern Los Angeles , county, always at dusk.
