Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sound Room



  1. Having had an inground swimming pool for 20 years in our last home, I would not feel comfortable or relaxed in this room. Looking out the window in the "hole in the ground" where I kept pouring tens of thousands of dollars would not make me happy.

  2. That looks like a high cost, high quality rug right there. McIntosh pre-amps I think.
    Eames chair...

    Our in ground pool was installed 18 years ago and cost $17k and that included the pool cage and the 12' double pocket sliding glass doors that lead out to it.

    Dam right, I wanna see what a quality pool done right looks like all day long.
    Including the electric for the pump, the cost per year is less than a grand. Well worth it. Besides, we've had a pool in every house since 1988, why stop now?

  3. Put on Double Live Gonzo and crank it up!!

  4. Too many fiddly knobs. I don't even turn on the equalizer anymore, let the album, the amp , the cartridge & the tech that mixed the music decide the sound. Don't like it change the system, turning knobs won't make it sound better.

  5. Saw a thing about people who got pools during the lockdown having them condemned for leaks. $15k to install...$150k to remove. Turns out fly ash was left out of the concrete mix because coal plants are being closed. Unintended consequences.

    1. We were not going to "remove" the pool, but we thought about what they call "abandoning" it. That is, you empty the water, drill large holes in the liner (mine was cement), fill it with large rocks, medium rocks, small rocks and sand. That would have cost us $10,000. And the complete job of refurbishing it was $15,000. We refurbished it. Darn it!!!

    2. The unintended consequences are often intended. Most people have no idea how evil the left are.
