Saturday, August 24, 2024

Reader Recommended



  1. I had read his book on Jobs a couple years ago and enjoyed it, even though I will go back to tin cans, string and an abacus before I use an Apple product.

    Then 2-3 months ago I read his bio on Musk. Good as the jobs one was, this was way mo better.

    I downloaded the Kindle samples of of all of Isaacson's books for my reading stack. Will get to it when I finish rereading Robert Caro's Master of the Senate in a week or two.

    Side note: I was reading the chapter on the 1956 Democrat convention in Chicago last week. The contrast was really interesting. Nobody knew for sure who the nominee would be until Thursday night when the delegations actually voted. Until then there was still some doubt about whether it would be Stevenson (it was) or Harriman or Kefauver. There was even a slight chance it might be LBJ if none of the others could get a majority. Compare that to the sterility of last week's shitshow.

    Fascinating book.

  2. Thank you for that!

  3. Thank you for this post!

    I purchased the Kindle edition, and the hardback edition
    for my personal library shelf.
