Monday, August 19, 2024

Old Pals



  1. I have a set of these, which came with the trunk tool kit of my '41.

  2. I have one of those, I think it was my grandfather's. (He was born in 1886.)

    Don in Oregon

  3. were they propriatory? a friend's grandfather worked for Hupmobile and they had them.

  4. A lot of companies had their own branded
    wrenches. Ford wrenches are pretty common. Fun to collect in the 70's, 80's,
    90's. Have quite a few early American wrenches. ( Historical note: there were very few American tools made before 1840's until the first foundries were built in the northeast. Almost all
    tools were imported from europe.) Actually the original "wrenches" were medieval bars with ends shaped to twist bars out of castle doors and windows in war. (The 10mm wrench was built shortly thereafter.)
