Thursday, August 8, 2024

Landing Lights Boeing 737 NG vs 737 MAX, where old incandescent lights gave way to LEDs



  1. LED lighting on aircraft has been a great improvement, but LED lighting on airfields has helped at least as much.

  2. The primary benefit of LEDs is they generate very little heat compared to incandescents. On the Challenger you are only allowed to have the landing or taxi lights on for 5 minutes on the ground to avoid damaging the lens panel, which costs $5k on the Challenger. IIRC there was a similar limit on the 727. A typical 8" incandescent landing light is 1000 watts, an incandescent high beam for a car is 60 watts.

  3. I have installed leds' in every room of the house because PGE keeps upping the rates. Every time I get a bill there is a notice for a hearing on a rate increase and the state gives it to them every time.

  4. That only helps if the wings don't fall off the 737 MAX.
