Monday, August 5, 2024

Heh. Then return the money.



  1. look for ID, if none could turn it in to police get a receipt and or donate it to a homeless shelter, food kitchen something worthy besides you own pocket.

  2. Leave it laying there and go watch "No Country For Old Men".

  3. Assuming it's all hondos, that stack is about $40,000. $10k is about 7/16" thick.


    PS. It is also most likely fake cash for a photo op. Fake/prop cash can be purchased on the inter tubies.

  4. As hard as it would be, I would have to give it back.

  5. A wallet give it back. A bag from the alley, keep it.

  6. If there was ID in the wallet I'd give it back.

  7. My wife found a purse with almost $500 and more credit cards in it than I have ever seen, but no drivers license or other ID that gave an address or phone number. We took it to the police, had them inventory the contents in entirety and left it with them. We heard through a third party the owner had gotten it back. This amount was under my "no return amount" of $1000. Above that it's either drug money or pure carelessness.

  8. A law firm was looking to hire a female for a partnership in the firm. They narrowed the field down to three candidates and asked them the same question:
    "If you were walking down the street and happened upon a paper bag containing $50 thousand dollars, what would you do?"
    The first one said, "I would take it to the police and also advertise that such was discovered. That way the rightful owner would have their money rightfully restored to them."
    The second one thought for a moment, "I would put the money in a high-interest yield investment, advertise the found money in the most obscure place possible, then split the profit among the Partnership."
    The last one said, "Just keep the money and we can all have a nice holiday."
    Who do you think got the job?

    Men are men, it was given to the one with the nicest boobs.

  9. I was just out of high school and was working grave yard shift at a local gas station in a summer resort town. Around 330 a guy comes in drunk and wants 20 bucks gas. We pumped for the customers back then. He paid cash and stumbled to his car and drove off. I looked at the counter and there was a bank bag there stuffed with small denomination bills. He was the owner of an arcade in town. I counted the money and there was over 7000 dollars. This guy was drunk enough I doubt he would remember where he went and lost it. While the notion of keeping it flashed e ever so briefly in my mind, I decided to call him and tell him he forgot his money bag. An hour later he pulls in I give him his bag and he drives off and I swear he was pissed because I got him out of bed and back out on the road. Did he give me a reward for being honest????? Nope.....It would have been nice to have been given a 20 or maybe 100 for doing the right thing but to be honest, I did not expect anything for being honest so I knew I did what was decent in my heart. Should anyone keep a windfall like this one in the article or my story, NO. Doing the wrong thing is what is tearing the society down.

    1. Think about it, isn't allowing a person to drive drunk and not reporting it to the police is equally tearing society down.

    2. No.

      He didn't "allow" that guy to drive.

      What's the matter with you?

    3. I found a deposit bag on a street. Must have been several hundred dollars—it was a business. I picked it up to take to the bank (it was close). Guy somehow realizes he’d placed his deposit bag on his car in the proverbial coffee mug on the way to work fashion, sees me with the bag and all but accuses me of stealing it. Total jerk. That was 1989 and I’ve not done one nice thing for anyone in the world since.😊

  10. I stepped out of my car in a box mart lot with about 4 inches of snow near Christmas, foot came down on a wallet (odds?) I opened it and saw a huge pile of cash, took it into the store and gave it to someone at the return desk, I should have taken it home and mailed it to the owner but that was an afterthought. The devil on my shoulder lost that day.
