Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Gently Floating Down



  1. The good thing is no wildfire.

  2. Looks nice but I don't miss it.

  3. I hope you aren't tired of summer! While you get many months of warm weather, some of us don't have that luxury. And the guys who complain about it being too hot in the summer are the same ones who complain about a little bit of snow or cold.
    I have too many outside projects to complete for the snow to start falling.

  4. Waiting to board the school bus Lee Vining high school Mono lake, start of Christmas vacation 1973.
    Snowflakes the size of half dollars falling straight down, beautiful memory.

  5. Thank You for your cool site, really enjoy it.

  6. I am from SoCal born in the late 50s. I got after my Dad to take me up to snow in the mountains (San Gabriel Mtns) and he finally drove me up with my dog opened the door of the car and said go play. We came back after I was frozen.

    My parents were originally from AZ. I tried skiing after I got in my teens but it never was good. My Sister and Brother were 8 and 6 years older and my Sister has no problem with snow. My Brother never liked it.
