Friday, August 9, 2024

Friday Open Road



  1. I like the one with the dog.

  2. Had to stay home sick so this is the only road trip I will get today.
    Nice set

  3. Anyone know the location for #1 and #19?

    1. #1 Is the Haiku Stairs overlooking Honolulu. They are in the process of removing these stairs for reasons I don't recall.

    2. They are removing it because homeowner are complaining about trespassers and that the stairs are not in good condition

  4. Yet another most outstanding Friday photo essay.

    I do have to say that the stunning young lady in cowboy boots sitting in the back of that pickup truck makes my mouth water!!!

  5. #23 I'm a leg man so thanks.

  6. Nice collection, as always, Sir!
    BTW: Can someone PLEASE explain the rationale for putting blacktops in areas over-run with sand dunes (ie: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, et al.)?
    I mean...I get "more money, than sense", but still...past experience shows that "give it 6 months to a year and it's buried forever" is the rule, not the exception.

    1. Given the color of the sand I would not be surprised if this is the highway between Saudi Arabia and Oman running through the Rub’ al Khali, the Empty Quarter, completed in 2021. The Kingdom loves their grand projects.

      I have driven up to the edge of the Empty Quarter desert, and the sand is surprisingly red-orange. Wikipedia says that’s feldspar. The desert I encountered between Riyadh and al Kharj was, well, sand colored, very pale tan.

      It was impressive to see Rub’ al Khali from the edge, huge dunes as far as the eye could see. I should’ve gone from one of the tours that occasionally went out into it. Four wheel drives with megalift kits and huge balloon tires.

      And camels. They wandered everywhere including on the highways. It was especially dangerous at night - their fur seemed to soak up light and wouldn't see them until the last moment.

  7. Friday Open Road never disappoints.

  8. 7, 23, and 27...would travel with them!

  9. My favorite is the one with the dog.

  10. #3 is a BMW 328, possibly the best pre-WWII 2litre road car.
    #7 '79 Dodge Little Red Truck needs the woodwork redone.

  11. When I was stationed in Biloxi I helped a buddy remove a very worn 318 out of a Little Red Truck where we dropped in a fresh 383 and TKO 5-speed.
