Sunday, August 25, 2024




  1. The A-10 "Warthog" ... perhaps the finest CAS (Close Air Support) plane ever invented. The US Air Farce kept this incredible flyer for what seems like forever and as they are getting geared up to mothball it, it is my understanding that they will not allow the other services to adapt it. The USMC could definitely us a plane like this, but the main problem is that it cannot take off or land on US Navy aircraft carriers.

    1. The Chinese or Russians will be sinking all our carriers.

  2. Should NEVER be allowed to go off line...
    Keep updating and improving, but stay on line...

    1. USAF decided to keep the a-10 in service until at least 2040.
      That is, assuming the USAF is still in service until that time.

  3. Just went to Cannon Range at Fort Leonard Wood open house. Highlight of the day is A-10s doing live fire and dummy bomb drops. They
    come over the audience at treetop level and do the Brrrt thing. Quite the crowd pleaser. God bless America!
    Biggskye in Missouri

  4. Had many hydraulic showers when that conveyor ammunition belt destroyed itself and had to replace the gun system.
    Seems a lifetime ago

  5. 60 series ranges at Nellis, NACTS pod on the pylon and WA tail code. Weapons school sorite?

  6. Fighter pilots are in senior management of the AF now. They are jealous of the A-10's popularity with the rank and file troupes. They want the A-10 dead. There is nothing in the development pipeline to replace what the A-10 can accomplish on the battlefield.

    1. Wow, the wonderful F35 can at 50x the cost and 1/8x the mission capable rate.

  7. I remember when they first came to West Germany and seeing them on the firing range. as a Grunt, seeing the rounds go thru the old tanks out there was pure joy.
    as we only had the old M67 90mm and the LAW rocket to keep tanks away.
    but watching dust come out from UNDER the damn target/tank made us all feel better. nothing else sounds like it.
