Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bobcat is happy to see you



  1. A bobcat is always happy to see a fresh meal.

  2. Strong bite, can break a 1/4" branch with ease. Met a man (Ph.D) who ran the bobcat study program at Miss. State. His advice? Get as far away from them as possible if you see one.

  3. Just seeing a smile, doesn’t mean they are friendly. That tail moving is a b-a-a-d sign.

  4. grandpa had a pelt of one hanging in his barn. said it was "wasn't bad eating"
    seen 2 out here in the hills of PA. one running across the road in daylight ??
    and the other one across the road one night while the dogs where out.
    not worried about deer with the dogs, but the other critters ,, yeah.
    had to get "rid of" a coon last week. big nasty bitch she was.
    but a flat tip 22lr to her head put her down fast.

  5. I had a neighbor some years ago that caught 2 in one trap at the same time. good pelt prices at the time.

  6. I'm not a bobcatologist but in domestic cats a swishing tail means aggression. One of ours was doing it this morning because one of our neighbours' cats was daring to look through the fence!

  7. Here is New York State. Seen one.
