Saturday, August 10, 2024

Being able to check the photos with your phone would be pretty nice.



  1. Had a couple Moultrie cellular cameras once, they were horrible. Had a couple Browning cellular cams, they died in cold weather. Have a Ridgetec cellular that does an acceptable job. Also have a Reconyx cellular, expensive, but it just plain works, doesn't matter the weather, and it will make it through an entire winter on one set of batteries.

  2. I use a GardePro that does that. No need to replace batteries when using the solar panel. 70 bucks extra but it was eating 20% regular battery power per day. Now it never goes below 100%.

  3. Wifi! Cloud storage! Explain how this is not you paying for and installing the camera they want to observe you. Because even where you put the camera tells them something about you.

    Id put it observing the police chiefs house or the like.
