Sunday, August 11, 2024

A Comfortable Corner



  1. That stove is gonna cook everyone in that room

    1. It has to be a cold place with poor insulation to put that wood stove in the middle of the living room. The placement does save you from having the protect wall..

  2. A.I. fake. The timbering gives it away, and yes the stove would probably set it all on fire. The AI fake is getting dangerous, photoshop was bad but good AI is really realistic.

    1. Looks real to me and other than the choice of the wood burner I see nothing wrong with that, having it away from the wall allows the heat to room off all sides of the stove.
      It's well away from the wall, if it was closer the wall would need fire protection.

      On the other hand is nice that you photoshop people have a different choice with now with AI.

  3. Grandma was not a looker.

  4. Sorry... but AI fake... the roof timber is a giveaway

  5. I don't know if it's AI or not. But I do know I would never keep my guitar that close to that smokin hot wood stove.

  6. I remember that idea of the "uncanny valley" Something is wrong, or at least not quite right. I thought AI as soon as I looked at this.

    Then I saw the deer head mount.

  7. If it's real, that guitar is going to fall apart real soon. And the deer head mount! AI fake.
