Sunday, June 23, 2024

Using these supposedly reduces the strain on your knees by 15%. Also useful for crossing creeks or fast water.


          Lightweight Aircraft-Grade Aluminum Trekking Poles


  1. They're essential if you're moving fast too.. especially uphill. That said, I prefer the folding kind, not the telescopic kind.

  2. Well, as long as they're good enough for aircraft

  3. Why would you buy a walking stick when they grow on trees? I still use the one I made in summer camp, 50yrs ago. But I'm cheap like that.

    1. They're not hiking sticks. They're "trekking poles". HUGE difference! /s

  4. Bought my unstable (physically, not mentally) mother a couple of pairs of trecking poles. She prefers them over a more traditional cane.

  5. One more thing to carry, and the pointy end will go straight up your shitter when you go sliding on that slippery rock.

    1. Always with your same fantasies...

    2. When I'm out and about going over rocks and other rough ground having a 3rd leg (staff/pole/cane) is invaluable! I suspect have still another one would not be a problem.

  6. Invented by Moses only his could part the Red Sea and turn into a snake.

  7. Stands to reason that 15 % reduction on the knees will be taken up by the shoulders and spine down through to the knees... I can see a use more for balance and crossing that fast water. Four points of contact is far more stable than two, ask a dog... even then that parameter can be pushed too far.

  8. Had a guy in the office I used to work in, he weighed about 300 pounds and had to use these just to get around the office and to his car with. He was 20 younger than me and died of a massive heart attack last year... of course he was also CV-19 jabbed and boosted, so who knows what the real cause of death was.

  9. Actually, tracking polls are very handy when backpacking or day hiking. Extra control on challenging surfaces and indispensable when crossing fast running streams.

  10. Trekking poles not polls!

  11. I've used CMT trekking poles for years. Great product, great company. Most people never realize how much energy you expend just controlling the load when carrying a very heavy pack, even on smooth surfaces. Greatly reduces overall fatigue on long trips.

  12. We get a kick out of seeing them and call them Fips sticks! F'ing Illinois People's sticks, they who venture out of metropolis into the great outdoors, all dressed up in their Elmer Fudd clothing, bright color plaids and hats to match, for a quick walk in the outback. Watch out for Lions and Tigers and Bears Oh My!
