Sunday, June 23, 2024

The right way to get your logs to the mill, and the wrong way


Thanks, Elmo!


  1. A $30k truck or $3k truck. Gotta make do.

  2. Loaded that way, the pickup is likely to end up in the ditch at the first turn. All the steering is in the front, and the front is barely touching the ground.
    My SIL did that once to their pickup, with a lot less weight in the back than that.

    1. If you go slow enough you still have steering.

  3. that chain is lookin' thinner and thinner.

  4. That's a 1953 Diamond T model 950-RS. The first truck I was ever around was a '56 Diamond T that was a CDF (CalFire) transport tractor (lowbed truck). This is back in '72 thru '74, when CDF would run their lowbed tractors for 20 years before they'd rotate them out of the fleet. If I remember right that groovy old truck had a 'Two Six-Bits' (275 hp) Cummins (supercharged, not turbo'd) engine and five and four Spicer transmissions. It was a slick old truck whose gear drive blower gave it a great sound.

  5. job gets done, there is no wrong way
