Thursday, June 27, 2024

Buick Goodness. Build it again, GM!



  1. They still do. It's Pontiac and Olds that are gone.

  2. He means, build this again. I'd commute in that.

  3. Those fins are eerily reminiscent of the '60 Cadillac Series 62 my dad bought my mom so many years ago.

  4. Why shouldn't The Auto Makers RE-MAKE their previous models...
    especially ones which have class and personality.
    Like ones pictured, I believe there's a lot of people who love and would purchase the "retro" look

    1. Government imposed fuel efficiency standards ensure that all new cars of the past 30 years or so are made to be as aerodynamic as possible. It’s why so many vehicles look the same now.

    2. It to mention safety standards…

  5. I have to say im a Ford guy but… i have always liked Buicks. Electras,Rivieras ,GS stage1s. They certainly made GM proud.

  6. I loved the smooth ride in all the old boat cars.

    1. Like floating down a river on your couch.

  7. A high school friend had one like this. No B-pillars makes for a real party car. My 63 Chrysler also had none. I was dropping a girl off at her house after school one day and her St. Bernard got about two-thirds into the passenger side windows and rocked us all. Good times. 😜

  8. The '59 had a better front end with the slanted headlights. Wicked car.

  9. Yaknnow... The big auto companies bitch and moan about the cost of regulations and everything environmental driving up the cost of their vehicle designs being created, nevermind brought to market.... What would it cost to take an old design like this, and update it for modern materials, safety standards, etc.?
    Betcha less than building one from the ground up!
    I had read about a couple guys forming a company trying to make the old F-100 pickup truck again, with modern machines. Whatever happened to them, was supposed to be a $12k truck affordable for the masses, crank handle windows, the whole shebang.
