Friday, June 28, 2024

You did what?



  1. I want to see what she has a-hold of, so I know which way to duck.

  2. One sometimes forgets that Jane was a truly beautiful young woman.

    1. She was funny in Cat Ballou... That's it., nothing else.

    2. No matter how beautiful and sexy she was. Somebody, somewhere is tired of her sh!t

  3. Jane Fonda ::spit:: grocery shopping at Mayfair Market (c. 1960s)

  4. I figured it was Hanoi Jane and yes she was pretty but should have been charged with Treason. Since she wasnt, Hilary wasnt either. For some time now, I have been telling friends that the pendulum has quit swinging to the Left and has begun swinging toward the center. Last nights debate proved me right. I watched 12 minutes of the Don Lemon show this morning, I watched CNN. I have always absolutely refused to add to the count of their viewers but it was delicious watching the Left admit that all of the Rights lies, smears and untruths about Biden are CORRECT. I have been laughing out loud and cackling like Kamala. Trump says vote for Biden, get Kamala hahahaha (even spellcheck says the word 'Kamala' is wrong) hahaha

  5. A wood chipper candidate.

  6. Maybe we dont need the Hur tape after all.

  7. I think we're all in agreement here that regardless of how talented and good-looking someone is, they can still be a total waste of oxygen, i.e. George Clooney, Julia Roberts , etc. The big issue is that there are people always willing to gush over them and believe everything that comes out of their mouths. It's the infamous "Cult of Personality!" The line between fantasy and reality is not just blurred anymore, it's been erased and our country is showing the effects of it.

  8. the picture of a vapid moron.

  9. As a US Marine Vietnam veteran, I plan to travel to "Hanoi Jane's" grave; purchase a full case of my favorite brand of beer and as I drink the contents, I will piss on her grave.

    I also plan to do this same disrespectful act for "Hanoi" John Kerry when he dies.

    1. When I got out of the Navy, I swore I was never standing in line again. I'll make an exception for these two. (Plus my ex.)
      And it's Jawn "Fuck Your Buddies" Kerry.

    2. Piss on Kerry now. Why wait?

  10. Barbarella! Not so much anymore.

  11. I'm not going to look at the remarks up above but I'd bet a dollar to a donut they pretty much say.....Fuck you, Hanoi Jane.

  12. you soiled the deaths of five boys from my home county in Ohio.

  13. B.I.T.C.H
    And Janie was her nameO

  14. Her brother, Peter was a complete leftist POS as well. I don't know about Henry.

  15. The longest waiting line in history for taking a leak will be at her gravesite. Once it forms, it probably won't end.
