Thursday, June 27, 2024

Volunteer Potato Harvest


We aren't sure how these got started.  Did we throw out old, wrinkled ones, or just peelings?  However it happened, they volunteered this spring, and Mrs. CW and I dug these out with our bare hands today after work.
Mrs. CW is ecstatic at this unexpected bounty.  I predict a much bigger and more focused potato patch next year,


  1. I had a neighbor in Bucks County, PA, who grew potatoes every year. He'd intentionally leave about 10% of the crop in the dirt and he'd have a bounty the next year.

    Same - same for garlic.

  2. I once wrote a poem comparing Biden unfavorably with a potato.
    Some of the lines:

    Potatoes in ground will increase your crop
    And rarely if ever lose a laptop
    Potatoes can be red, white or sweet
    Snowflakes voted for Biden in fear of a tweet

    There's more

  3. Very little better than fresh dug taters.

  4. best gut lumber going! fresh spuds with dirt on them, nothing finer, except a nice bone in ribeye or pork-chop aside em.

  5. Are those Reds? If so, they're my favorites.
    Not that that has anything to do with the price of tea in China.

    1. If you boil them until they are almost soft, slice then in fairly thick slices and then fry them crisp. There ain't nuttin' like 'em!!!

  6. Them's is some nice tubers.
