Monday, June 3, 2024




  1. As someone who loves both of those fruits (and has grown both), I can say that the pomegranates are clearly not ripe yet...while the figs look extra sweet and perfect.

  2. Ate a Dragon Fruit for the first time this morning.
    Cost $5 at Kroger.
    Didn't care for it.
    Tasted like a weak watermelon, almost no flavor at all.
    Same consistency as watermelon.
    White pulp with teeny black seeds.

    1. Sounds like you got a bad one. I've had dragon fruit flavored beverages, and they taste nothing like watermelon.

    2. Tropical fruits at N.A supers are picked hyper early and left to ripen in a box for weeks on end. They are NOTHING like picking them off the tree. I live in SA and I never really liked papaya until I moved here and grew my own. Amazingly different and super sweet.
      The GMO wienies are ruining food.

  3. Grandmother had both growing in her back yard in Southwest Louisiana. I picked figs by the gallon for the family. If I could taste Mom's fig preserves one more time...
