Saturday, June 8, 2024

I like these old ammo boxes. Reminds me of good guys long past.



  1. There was a time when the local hardware store would open up a box of shells and sell them one at a time. My Grandad used to bounty hunt for income when he was kid and he could never afford a whole box of shells. When I think back he never had very much ammo his whole life and he made every shot count. He would think my ammo collection is completely insane.

  2. I see old boxes for sale. Asking high prices too. I reckon to decorate the man cave or something.

  3. I remember shotgun shells made of waxed paper. they'd absorb moisture and swell and wouldn't function in my dad's and uncles' pump and autoloading shotguns so they'd give them to me and my brother. They worked fine in a break-open single-shot.

    1. Still have some old Federal paper shells with a rolled crimp. Bet they will still shoot.

  4. I still remember the wonderful smell of those old paper shells.

  5. Still got some of those. Shot some too in younger days....

  6. My FIL told me he quit duck hunting in the mid 60's because the limit went to six ducks. Said it wasn't worth putting the boat in the water.

  7. I have and you can still get newly manufactured paper shells. Federal Gold Medal in paper.
