Tuesday, June 4, 2024

He's had enough



  1. Some days are lie that, especially moreso now at the hands of The Morons In Charge.

    1. He's banging his head in Russia, so it's a different set of The Morons In Charge.

    2. You sure about that??

      Look about the exact same to me.

    3. The current crop of Morons in Charge has not been that bad...
      Record unemployment, record stock market, record oil production, declining murder rate, growing economy in spite of the recession we have been promised for over a year. The best post COVID recovery of ANY industrialized country.

      Inflation has been a pain in the butt and the southern border is nothing to brag about. But all in I'm not sure we could have asked for a better post COVID recovery.

      Remember that 4 years ago nurses were wearing plastic bags because we had no PPE, business were closing left and right and our leaders were suggesting we should inject bleach...

    4. The bleach thing was a blatant media lie. If you believe that absurdity, your credibility is about zero.

  2. The analogy being they keep doing the same stupid crap over and over, in their hope to attain global domination? I do agree. Without reservation.

  3. Must be a Monday.

  4. If you actually believe that bit about injecting bleach, you’re too stupid to realize you’ve been eating a turd sandwich for the last three years.

  5. the feeling I have while I wait for the repubs to do something about biden

  6. Been there, done that....
