Tuesday, June 4, 2024




  1. Glove up, and don't take bundles still in serial number order.

  2. Good.

    How to drive a stick, and how far behind you to follow on the trip home.

  3. If found like pictured, get a bunch, bust a move fast, and know the people moving it are not nice people.

  4. loose lips sink ships

  5. The bank is not your friend.

  6. "Start walking kids. There's not going to be enough room for you in the car."

  7. Sailing just over the horizon from the beach. Came across a large area of bales. Altered course to stay well clear. I was thinking entrapment.

  8. First make sure they are not supernotes, (all same serial/allocation numbers, drop them and run your arse off).

  9. Bank robbers haulin' ass passed me, I'm on my bike, red smoke coming out the side window, out comes flying a big old canvas and leather moneybag, bundles of bills scattered about. I stopped by the bag, police cruiser stops, they heave me in the back seat, drop my bike on the asphalt right in the road, start grilling me on everything I saw. Took about 12 hours before they let me go. The robbers ended up holding a couple girls hostage. Very nice fellow in a house by the money bag got my bike up in his driveway, figured the cops would leave me high and dry. He was right. Had to go attend the court case and spent hours with the fbi, they wanted me to lie and give this false story. I was like why, looking at these two armed badged leg breakers, you guys have these crooks cold, they just said you do what we tell you to do, told them ef u, no way I was going to lie. That got me off the spot. Never got called to testify. For what who knows, all i saw was the car and moneybag. Was only 17, sure made a bad impression on me about the law, they is worse crooks than the regular crooks.

  10. Go watch "No Country For Old Men".

  11. Yeah, don't do it unless you want to briefly meet this guy:
