Sunday, June 23, 2024



  1. you would have just had to have been there to appreciate it. all fun, no fear.
    men were men and the women were awesome.

  2. The picture does not fully depict the glory that were Jarts. I suppose that is true for all the pictures. So, just repeating what Anonymous said above.

  3. Jarts was a ton of fun.
    I know of stories of people getting hurt by them, but we never did.

  4. In those days the gene pool was fairly clean. Minor mistakes could be deadly back then and were on a regular basis. Much more freedom as well. Don't want to wear a helmet? then don't. Seat belt? Up to you if you had them. Car seats? Never heard of those. Wanna buy a gun? No problem. Jarts? We knew from rocks and sticks that the landing zone was off limits to fin stabilized metal tipped spears. Now we have less freedom and the gene pool needs a serious flush.

  5. And then, the Nanny-State took over. The 70's, as well as the 60's, were wonderful years to be growing up! Such a shame that we'll never see the likes of that again. Here's to all of you that got to live it!

  6. I'm old enough to remember my beautiful friend falling out of the back of a truck onto her face.
    Luckily on a back woods dirt road and not the pavement.
    After the plastic surgery she was still pretty but not as gorgeous as before.

  7. My brother playing chicken got a knife clean through his foot.

  8. I remember bike helmets and knee pads started being sold then.
    We laughed and laughed at those who wore them. Nerd! Wus!
