Tuesday, June 11, 2024




  1. Reminds me of the axe from the scene in "Kingdom Of Heaven" where the squire gets rid of the prisoner.
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C0vEP3tMODI at 4:55

    1. Thank you for calling attention to that movie, which I've now added to my WATCHLIST at AMAZON PRIME!

    2. If you can find it the directors cut tells the better story, maybe not "better" but with more detail.

  2. Everyone should keep one handy. Not just for fires.

  3. Thank you for posting this!

    I previously purchased a full-sized Fireman's Axe from Amazon which sits by my bedroom window, along with my two-story Emergency Escape Rope Ladder, and my full-sized Emergency Medical Trauma Kit.

    Next to the bedroom closet are my wall-mounted fire extinguisher and Emergency Fire Blanket.

    My pistol and hand-held Amateur Radio Transceiver are hung on the grab bars of my bed, and the AR-15 pistol with its 40-round magazine is propped next to my bed.

    I sleep with the cell phone in bed with me, and wear a 911 Emergency Pager Button on the neck of the hoodie which I always wear, sleeping or awake.

    But, being elderly and physically disabled, I really wanted a smaller Fireman's Axe that would be easier for me to lift and handle.

    This one looks like it might be what I want, so I've ordered one.

    However, the awful truth is that because I'm elderly and physically disabled, I might actually be no longer able to lift and/or use any of those hero goodies.

    A couple of years ago, when this building (which houses only senior citizens) caught fire, police were here several minutes ahead of the fire department and paramedics, and they carried me downstairs in a chair, and then set me in a wheelchair out in the parking lot.

    When the smoke alarm went off, I just ignored it, assuming it was just another case of some resident's microwave mishap.

    But, the apartment next to the main entrance was in flames, and the heavy smoke caused extensive damage throughout the building (though my own apartment was miraculously spared).

    The lady who was on oxygen had fallen asleep while smoking in bed.

    Fortunately, she was rescued.

    The rest of us residents were evacuated to a nursing home, where we stayed until enough of the damage was cleaned up to allow us to return to our apartments.

    The firefighters didn't know I'd already been evacuated, so they broke open the door to my apartment, which still hasn't been replaced.

    1. Good gracious! No wonder you’ve lived long!

  4. 10+ years as FF/EMT, always used regular flat axe. Useful in more situations. Maybe big city firefighters found it more useful.

    If I needed a pointy thing I used a Halligan tool. Use flat axe and Halligan together, you can get into anything. We stored them on the truck as a set.

  5. Appears to be the same as the ones marketed by VooDoo and HorrorFreight.
    Probably the same factory in Shanghai.

    They're small, but not particularly good or bad, just adequately functional.
    Wouldn't want to get attacked with one, but also not sure I'd depend on it for lifesaving gear either.
