Thursday, June 20, 2024

We need this bird in California



  1. Red, white, and blue, for the win.

  2. Red headed pecker. Woody that is.

  3. We got many here in NW Indiana. I leave some dead trees standing so they have a place for nesting and feeding.

  4. One of the prettier woodpeckers here in the upper mid-west. I sometimes wonder about their intelligence though as they seem to have the worst dang mishaps of the woodpecker species in my experience.

  5. I've got a pair of red bellied woodpeckers in the tree right outside. I sit outside and throw peanuts for the chipmunks, and of course the birds like to get in on it also. It's gotten so the woodpeckers are quite excited to see me coming.

  6. We get them at our feeder every day. They are gorgeous. They have a brilliant white back you only see when they're flying.

  7. We have several red-bellied woodpeckers on our property in the SC Lowcountry. They will come to our two bird feeders from time to time. The smaller birds vamoose when they feed.

  8. mostly red-bellied and downys here in Savannah, but we do get the occasional red-headed snd pileated woodpeckers as well as flickers. cool birds, all.

  9. Nothing like the sound of Peckerwood on full-auto when you are trying to take an afternoon nap.

    Spin Drift

  10. Instead, Califrutopia has an abundance of wood-headed Red peckers.
