Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Leap



  1. Side saddle! And the horse is looking at where it's going to land.

  2. Yes, sidesaddle in English saddle jumping downhill. That is one dazzling feat.
    That speaks of a well matched horse and rider.

    1. Could also be a different use of the horn.

  3. I want to see that landing.

  4. Sidesaddle. Very impressive.
    I greatly admire the stunt women of the '40s and '50s Westerns. They were a different breed, skilled and fearless. Barbara Stanwyck was such a woman. In the movie '40 Guns', on the day they were to shoot a scene where Miss Stanwyck gets drug by a horse, her stunt woman/double was ill, but that didn't stop her. She told the director "I'll do it". And by golly she did. When you look closely, it's her getting drug!

    What a woman. And a class act, to boot.

    1. "The Sewing Circle"

    2. But most of the time it was a guy dressed as a woman.

  5. I can hear my dad saying, "That's a good way to break your neck."

  6. I have hunted fox from horseback (but not sidesaddle!) twice, in Ireland, with Willie Leahy (God rest his soul) and the Galway Blazers. It was exhilarating and the most enjoyable vacations I ever took.

  7. My wife has had many horses since she was 12 years old ... (she's 73 now). For much of that time, she has done three-day eventing, jumping, dressage and fox hunted. Anyone who sits on the back of a horse in a tiny English saddle after they turn 50 (or maybe 60) is asking for trouble. Not that I'd even remotely think of saying that to my darling wife!!!

  8. The late Queen Elizabeth rode side saddle well into her 90s.
