Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The "It never happened" bathroom special.



  1. Never happened?
    As in, here I sit all broken hearted....?

  2. Here's a catchy little tune to enjoy while you inhale yer farts....

  3. One small fart for a man one giant dump for mankind

  4. I carried the wall sized image of that with me for many years waiting until I retired from the Navy to put it up somewhere permanent. Never happened and fell apart after about the 12th move.

  5. I used to work with a guy that wrote orbit code for the last Gemini mission. He would get into the simulator and run out of fuel every time. Aldrin got wind of this and he was rightfully pissed. Buzz wanted to kick his ass! He got into the simulator and everything worked fine. My friend didn't realize there were times that he needed to take take his foot off the gas, so to speak.

  6. Just another fine example of how the gubmint sreals our money, and lies to us for decades, and never gets punished... Pearl Harbor, Gulf of Tonkin, JFK, RFK, MLK, Moon Landings etal, OK City, Ruby Ridge, Waco, 1st WTC, 9/11, DSII, COVID, VAX/Bioweapon, Election Fraud 2020, J6, Ukraine, EF-22, Afghanistan, Bidenomics Works, and On, And On, And On... Just Saying.
