Thursday, June 13, 2024

Sound Station



  1. that's a droolfest of want. nice system and wonderful record collection.

    1. The table top isn't bad either. My brother was a sawyer in a large log sawmill in the '80s and he brought home a ton of slabs just like that that he made into tables and little Doug Fir burls that he made into clocks. Being the sawyer, he got first dibs on stuff like that. Fringe benefit of the job.

      Add into this perk, you could load the pickup up with mill ends (trim) at the end of your shift and take them home for kindling/firewood, no charge.

      We didn't know at the time how good we had it.

  2. The preamp looks a little ostentatious with the tubes on display, but the McIntosh is definitely a solid power amp.

  3. I approve!... not that it means much.

  4. I think that’s a Bryston amp over on the right and a tubed Macintosh preamp. Can’t id the turntable but with that record weight and that tonearm it’s something good.
    Thanks for stepping up the stereo game to what used to be called a “halfway up the stairs “ system.

  5. I think the turntable is a Rega, one of their older top models. With the right cartridges they are superb and a relatively good value.

  6. I always liked the Eurithmics (SP) and spell check did not help. It usually butts in when not wanted or needed.
