Friday, June 21, 2024

Something the Russians can't do anymore



  1. Their submarines keep sinking too.

  2. Well, Russia doesn't travel around the whole world literally picking fights with everybody so she doesn't really need carrier battle groups. They're a kind of expeditionary thing for fighting wars of conquest.

    1. Well Russia does stay at home and pick fights with it's direct neighbors. And it apparently sucks at that too.

    2. Guess you wouldn't have a problem with a criminal gang moving in next door would you?

    3. Cause Ukraine was just sitting there all sweet an innocent after the CIA overthrew the government, and NATO violated their agreement w Russia, and the US was manufacturing bioweapons in Ukraine. How dare Russia invade!

    4. ^^^THIS! AnonymousJune 22, 2024 at 6:26 AM

    5. Are you talking the criminal gang in Russia or the criminal gang in Ukraine or in Belarus or in China etc, etc, etc.

  3. Zirkon antiship missiles mean the US won't be doing it either if FUSA insists on continuing to poke the bear and his friends.

  4. Notice he does a deck steam catapult. Not much good as you can't carry much except light fuel and a few air to air missiles. American steam cats were the amazing thing for so long, but with today's weapons carriers will not last long in a peer to peer event. With steam cats you could carry a lot of ordnance, which is the whole point of an aircraft carrier.

    1. Aye.


      ...the 'new' battleship.

    2. Steam and now electromagnetic catapults have been around for at least 70 years. Yet Russia, China, the UK and France use these ridiculous bow hump jumps to launch aircraft with limited range and strike capability. You'd think that China, with every other technology they've stolen from us, would have stolen that too and allies UK and France would have been given it. But no.


    3. Nemo, the French carrier Charles de Gaulle does have steam catapults, just like American carriers. In fact, U.S. Navy planes have operated from French carriers and vice versa.

      Also, the steam catapult was invented by the British shortly after WW 2. Now, whether or not they should have given up on conventional carriers is up for debate.

  5. Well, the Adm Kuznetsov is refurbished and coming back to service. Apparently, the original intent of the Soviets was that the sky-jump carriers (four planned) would provide local air defense for their SSBN's in their launch bastions. Their carriers originally had long-range ant-ship missiles for offensive operations.

    Britain, India, and China all have sky-jump carriers, so they make some sort of sense. And the F-35B's used by the Brits and the US Marines do suffer from short range/small payload, so that makes some sort of sense to some people, too.

    Before undergoing refurbishment, the Kuznetsov served off Syria providing air support for various Russian and Syrian operations. It flew over 300 sorties. Two aircraft, but no air crew, were lost to defective arrestor gear.

    The continual carping about the "obvious" inferiority of Russian and Chinese equipment missed the last 30 years or so. Russia and China have completely eliminated whatever technological advantages the US once had, and both now lead the US in a wide variety of technologies, and trail in none. Thirty years of fighting and losing to Muslim militias cost us thousands of dead servicemen, tens of thousands of crippled, and some $8 trillion.

    1. While turning our country over to invaders from enemy countries.

  6. We don't have anything close to Navy we had when the wall came down.

    1. Aye.

      And now we have ta catch a ride with da russkies to the space station.

  7. This is actually INS Vikramaditya (R33), Indian Navy.

  8. Russians can't do this anymore? For a mere Ten Percent Hunter Buyden will teach them.

  9. Hmm.

    Let's play 'What's more sustainable?'

    A hypersonic Zircon at $1,000,000...

    ...or an obsolete carrier at $1 Billion.

    1. With the fleecing of the American taxpayer it's a wash.

  10. Carriers are white elephants and sitting ducks. Carrier days are now in the past. They are not pertinent wrt wars. Power projection has diminished to almost nothing.
