Monday, June 3, 2024

Painting on the floor?



  1. Yep. An attempt to make plain laid flooring look like parquet. A real parquet job of that complexity would probably cost 20-50x the price of plain flooring. And be fragile as hell; tiny little wood tile patterns are not stable under typical flooring stresses, they pop out.

  2. I had an old house in a nice farming community with floors like that in 2 of the rooms... insisted on replacement value insurance protection. Paid about 50% more. After a few years (building prices went up), I got a letter from the insurance company that they could no longer offer me replacement value. I called and said I would pay a higher premium. Their response was very polite, they simply could not guarantee they would be able to find anyone who would be capable of replacing that kind of flooring. At any cost. Thus they couldn't offer me 'replacement value'... they would have LOVED to charge me up the ass for more, but their legal department said inlays and fancy flooring like that was no longer insurable for replacement value.
    The tradesmen are all gone.

  3. Buddy of mine grew up in an old Victorian gingerbread had floors similar thru out. Beautiful craft work.

  4. Okay guys here's something you can invent. Someone will come up with a modern way to get the same results with lasers or something and they will cash in. (I want my 10%.)

    1. stencils exist.
      too, it's mentioned in one of Solzhenitsyn's novels.

  5. really, REALLY well done...and absolutely beautiful.

  6. Reminds me of the painted-on purfling I saw on a cheap violin the other day.
