Thursday, June 13, 2024




  1. For me a Shick triple bladed safety razor is the saving tool of choice. I used to use a Norelco triple headed electric saver. The one and only time that I had a straight razor was when I purchased one in Tiajuana before I deployed to Vietnam. Of course, being a young (and stupid) teenager on the way to war, this was going to be my back up weapon after my tank was knocked out and I had to jump in a hole. One the plane trip from Okinawa to Vietnam, someone stole the razor, and I was left empty handed until I obtained a K-Bar knife. Luckily, during my 12 months and 29 days in-country, I did not need any hand-held back up weapon since there was no hand-to-hand battles in my prevue.

  2. Klingon butter knife
