Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Making the best of a bad situation



  1. I thought the video was going to be the rider catching up and laying the forks back down on the tire. Now THAT would have been cool.

    I was 'one of those guys' who jumped their bike, had the wheel leave the front fork and 'stuck the landing', the bike flipping on me landing on my back. My so-called friends laughed their donkeys off - I don't blame them I would have done the same.

  2. Someone loosened my brother's front wheel. It didn't end so well for him, a spectacular face of road rash and a broken arm IIRC.

  3. Natural reaction.
    There's videos out there of someone slightly loosening the clamp that holds the seat in position, then placing the bike outside a commercial establishment, and sitting across the way with a vid cam. A stupid thief comes up, looks around, gets on the bike and takes off, seconds later the seat collapses downward spearing his unwashed taint in the process. Thief drops the bike and hops around in extreme pain holding his plighted taint.

  4. You wanna screw that thing back on there, Earl?

  5. I was test-riding a new minibike that the shop owner's father had assembled. He didn't thread the lower fork tubes into the springs far enough. I hit a small angled patch of pavement fast enough to loft the front end, and the lower fork assembly went sproing! and flew away. Not high enough to reach a balance point on the rear tire, sigh. Endo! Walked back into the shop with bike in one hand and detached fork with wheel in the other. Discovered too late that my expensive Ray Ban Aviators had come off during the crash. Kids walking by grabbed them, apparently.
