Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Looks like I are one.



  1. Since the "woke" libtards have no morals, when someone professes to have them, the libtards call them "radical" and "MAGA." This once-great nation is on the slippery slope of becoming just another $hithole Third World nation.

  2. Charles Krauthamer, responding to a question from Bret Bair some years ago on FOX News as to whether or not America was "circling the drain" or "close to the edge of the cliff" responded with, "We went over the edge a long time ago, we simply haven't hit bottom yet." Rhetorical to some of us, food for thought for the rest.

  3. K Strategists. Never Say Die! We are more larger greater and right and good and beautiful than they want us to know.
    We are the honorable resistance. Always have always will.

    1. "Annie": That's what the emperor of the Roman Empire said.

    2. Wake me up when this "resistance" decides to change things by force. Meanwhile, zzzzzzzzz.

  4. Looks like me and my family every Sunday and we are liberals!

  5. It's when you foist that bullshit on others that you become an extremist, if you need religion to have morals, you certainly do have a problem.
