Sunday, June 16, 2024

If I didn't already have a nice collection of skillets, I'd try one of these.



  1. Doesn't anyone make a cover for that shape?

  2. Might try one of those when my Griswold wears out. I guess it'll wear out in another 100 yrs.

    1. I know! My Griswold is, if the internet is to be believed, almost a hundred years old based on when they used the logo stamped on the bottom. My grandparents probably bought it with money my grandfather earned either working in the local lumber mill, or a mine (he used to walk to work in a mine near his home in Soulsbyville).

  3. Replies
    1. Plus tax. Divide that cost by the literal century plus it will last if you do your part, and it comes out to about two dollars a year. A bargain!

    2. Hey, Jeff Bezos has got to eat too.

  4. Analon x is the best skillet

  5. Yeah, a lid sealing in the heat could be problematic. Maybe one edge has a hinge molded onto edge ?

    Lodge recently purchased Fineex, so maybe it could be considered a luxury line cast iron.

  6. Have one with the cover. Yes, very expensive but we love it.

  7. again what is your %%%%

    1. What's it matter? If you don't like it go to It's probably the same cut that the charities get, which isn't much.

  8. LeCreuset® skillets are the Cat's Ass. Made in Yemassee/Beaufort Co., SC. Not far from Frank Lloyd Wright's only plantation designed house, Auldbrass. Joel Silver restored it. His 4 Oscars are on a shelf in the reading room.

    He shows up in Beaufort from time to time with his family. But rarely. People leave them alone.

  9. Looks like a hipster skillet.

    Probably cooks exceedingly well, but you have to use the right premium organic peanut oil at the precise temperature for the exact time for seasoning it - or dude, it's ruined.... (oils & combs hair, waxes mustache, starts tinkering with complicated chrome-plated coffee-brewing device).

  10. It will scratch uo a ceramic cooktop .

  11. Haunt a few antique shops and buy a hundred year old Griswold or other properly cast skillet. Clean and season it,
    take care of it and I promise you that you or your grandchildren will never wear it out. Plus it won't cost as much as the poorly cast junk on the market today.
