Thursday, June 20, 2024




  1. No, just a "regular" military free fall. For HALO or HAHO, you'd need oxygen tanks, and cold weather clothing. Don't see either in this GIF.

    1. Yes that is a HALO jump. You only need supplemental oxygen when you are jumping above 13000 ASL. Bail out O2 bottles turned on prior to exit are sufficient until jumping above 18000 ASL then pre breathing O2 is required to remove the excess nitrogen from your blood to prevent basically the Bends. Also you know the jump in the picture is HALO and HAHO because on a HAHO jump the chute is deployed after a five second delay after exiting the aircraft. I have participated in many of HALO and HAHO ops in my reckless youth.

  2. What is that strip of land below?

    1. Barrier island. Just like ones on the east coast of Florida and the coastal bend in texas.

  3. Looks like Highway 75/Silver Strand, just south of BUD's training facility, in Coronado. They often times jump, land, and assault the obstacle course. However, it doesn't appear he has any weapons, so just might be training jump.

    John in Alaska
