Monday, January 22, 2024

Very Nice



  1. i doubt this rig will ever need the 4 wheel drive drive train it has.

  2. Love the retro 'off-road' tires. Yeah, I know what they are really. Back when, they were the choice - even if they howled on the highway and only lasted about 12k miles.

  3. I had a '64 plain old two wheel drive. When I bought it used in maybe '78, being not really up on Ford trucks, I asked the salesman if that was a 352. He said, "Yeah, that's a 352." Then I discovered the dual point distributor and cross-bolted mains. A guy I worked with said, '427" and copied some pages from the manual. Torque monster.

  4. Gosh, I still miss my ‘66 F250 4 X 4
