Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Rainy Day Food


SpaghettiOs Canned Pasta with Meatballs, 15.6 oz Can (Pack of 12)


  1. Meatballs is just a name…

  2. Yeah. I can only stand to have one of these over-processed agglutinated monstrosities in my pantry, so...... it's the Chef Boyardi Overstuffed Ravioli for me. Put'em in a blender and (chemically speaking) they would all be exactly the same.

  3. Meatballs should be in quotes...............

  4. Yeah.......if you are five.

  5. Loaded with sugar. Read the label.

    1. Empty calories, junk food. Diabetes on the horizon.

  6. Whew! Ate tons of that growing up. Pass on that, BUT if that comforts you on a rainy day - go for it! I hardly think an occasional can of that is going to give one diabetes for goodness sake. Rainy day food for my wife and I here in Maryland is Crockpot venison stew. Deer harvested from our property, celery, potatoes, carrots, sweet onions, parsnips, beef broth, Maggi liquid seasoning, and near the end of the cook a rue made with flour and butter to thicken. The house smells great all day while it cooks. A bowl of that with a slice of crusty breads goes a long way toward warming a rainy winters day!

  7. Ate that stuff one time, when the kid was little. Never again. Pure foulness. The people that create that stuff should be arrested. It'll not violate my valuable larder space.

  8. I haven't liked them since they changed the sauce recipe back in the 80's.

  9. Gak...... not even at gunpoint, no way, no how...
