Sunday, January 28, 2024

Wow. And perfect teeth. How, if I may ask, do people get such perfect teeth???



  1. Young and beautiful...


  2. Orthodontia is a wonderful thing, as are the parents that pay for it.
    All you good Moms and Dads out there, stand up and take a bow.

  3. High priced dental care starting when young. I have terrible teeth, my wife's aren't perfect either. Our two daughters have smiles that look like that because we spent thousands on their teeth when they were in elementary and middle school. Modern dental care is wonderful...if you can afford it.

    1. Our sons teefs were a nightmare from the beginning. By the time he was about 9 we turned the full clinic loose on his poor, tortured yap. After about 4 years of extractions, spreaders, 6 levels of braces, he ended up with perfect teefs. And we were about $10k poorer.

      When I was 8 the dentist told my dad to get me $2k in braces or a $200 trumpet. Herb Alpert became my new hero.

  4. Good enforced hygeine, and braces, retainers.

  5. If you want better teeth. pick better parents .

    1. I agree. It is all about choosing the right parents.

  6. I was born with perfect teeth though not snow white.
    Unfortunately I fell victim to a couple of incompetent or money grubbing dentists.
    My teef, those still left, stand like lonely pillars. And I spent great gobs of money to look like this.

  7. The downside of that is unfulfilled promises.
    Money alone is not enough. Some you prit near need to hold a gun on 'em to ensure performance.

  8. $.$. $. Money gives you straight pretty teeth. No talent or education. Just parents who can afford it. Mine could not. I am not pretty. Orthopaedic surgeon so I could cut off your leg or replace your knee.
    Shiny teeth or shoes are no way to evaluate...anyone. Not a surgeon or a plumber.
    Watch all five seasons of The Wire and then Breaking Bad and then cash my check.

  9. Genetics hygiene and braces….

  10. When I first started working as a professional in the Big City, I realized I needed a cleaning & checkup, and there was a dentist office a few floors down in the high-rise I worked in. So, I got my teeth cleaned - I've always had very good teeth and never even needed braces. And then this dentist started giving me estimates, and pointing out all the Big Problems I had that needed Immediate Attention, with payment plans.

    It was right about then, that I started to get the feeling that the Big City Jungle and everything that came with it was for other people, not me.

  11. They are called veneers. Not saying she has them but they can make your teeth look near perfect for some.

  12. By not sucking commie liberal cocks!

  13. Its Called Daddys Bank Account!

  14. Travel worldwide and you can spot an American with ease. Very white perfect teeth, dressed in sports logo garb, white sneakers, bitching about lack of air conditioning or ice cubes. She would be surrounded by a couple of other girls equally festooned and not straying from the tourista destination.

    1. DUDE!!! Not all tourists from the US are "Ugly Americans."

  15. likely veneers or crowns or good genetics and a lot of peroxide bleaching. note that the color of her teeth do not match the color of her eyes, too white

  16. At 65, my new teeth got pretty close to those. I chose a few shades down from the bright white though.
