Saturday, January 27, 2024

All the mammals seem to be fighting



  1. On display. The survival of the fittest where the strong dominate and destroy the weak. It applies to humans too, but most people are too stupid to see or accept it till a second before they make the transition to don't exist.

  2. They are fighting. Like all mammals and every other form of life, ever. It's only recently that human beings created the conditions, a high enough standard of living, to make a peaceful death possible. Very few animals of any kind ever have had an opportunity for a lifetime that wasn't brutal, their end is normally savage and violent.

  3. Think that cover art is from a mural in ... um ... some museum of natural history. We had a copy running around the wall in one of my elementary classrooms. Or maybe it was just the cover art (see "part IV" above) stitched together.
