Sunday, January 28, 2024

Be ready for bad weather



  1. Get some proper Wellies already.

  2. In Minnesota I found a pair of insulated rubber boots (from China) at shop that sold odd lots, they were great in the early spring for the outside chores.

  3. Walmart has steel toe waterproof boots for the cheap, $26.99, I’m still in my 2 yr pair here on the farm in N.E. These pricey ones are good for tourists and city slickers !

  4. I already have a pair of really good rubber boots. They are called "Muck" boots.

  5. You'll get swamp foot wearing them things.

  6. The cheap ones are fine, . . . as long as you don't have to bend down, or kneel down (for example, doing gardening, yardwork, etc.), so that there is a bend in the top of the boots, above the toes area. Eventually, a horizontal split will develop there on an inexpensive pair of boots :(
