Sunday, January 28, 2024

Risky move, and slow down



  1. I've not seen a semi driver make that move, but some of the semis rolling through the mountain passes of Colorado at speed and passing me have startled me because I thought I had been rolling fast.

  2. You know all those car camera videos? I'd guess that a good 40% of the accidents and near misses are due to the car with the camera driving too fast for traffic or weather conditions and assuming the other vehicles are aware of them.

  3. When I see three axels on the rear I think "heavy"...

    1. It's being pulled behind a two axle tractor. That's the way they do it in Europe. Probably no heavier than an American three axle truck pulling a tandem axle tailer.

      If you want to see heavy, check out Canadian B-Trains or some of the rigs running in Nevada and other western states. B-Trains legally gross out at 140,000 pounds, as opposed to the 80,000 pounds legal on most American Interstate highways.

  4. This is why driving in traffic is the worst thing for your blood pressure. And how else could it be, when you are always only a few seconds away from an ugly death? the "fight or flight" hormones are always dialed up to eleven.

  5. that trucker was driving correctly, the van stopped, an accident would have killed people.

    1. Good catch, took me three views to see that properly. Looks like the VAN driver stopped to get the offramp they almost passed.

      Excellent driver reflexes and skill.

  6. Yeah the van stopped but they were the ones that deserved to get smashed not the guys next to the wildly swerving truck oh, and the bus driver sucks too.

  7. He knew what he was doing. He let off on the brake and gassed it at the start of his move to keep the trailer behind him, then braked again when it was straightened out. Good move.

    It probably helped a lot that the load in the trailer was low, too. Still, he was very lucky, and I can guarantee his heart was going pitter-patter afterwards.

  8. Well, for my money, if he hadn't made that move, he'd have rear ended that dumbass van that was either stopped or going way too slow.

  9. Trucker driving way too fast for conditions. That is why all the drama. Just compare to the rest of the traffic. Some truck drivers are good, some drive like crap, and some get lucky. Just like all the rest of drivers.

    1. Totally on the dumb-ass in the gray van.
      Trucker saved that dip chits life right there.

  10. The video has been sped up to white-knuckle territory. Look at the time stamp in small text @ top of screen.

    I cannot picture a semi of any weight (heavy or light/nimble ) lane changing that quickly and keeping all the rubber bits on the road.

    So maybe he wasn't overcooking it?
