Monday, January 22, 2024

Disassemble. Throw away the bun. Eat the rest with a knife and fork.



  1. Too much for a burger in that! I stopped at an all night diner after a concert on Saturday, had a cheeseburger & french fries. A good burger is one I can pick up & take a bite of the whole thing & it's messy. The one I had was good, this one has too much on it.

    FWIW the other night I had to ask for the mustard, ketchup was already on the table. I have to ask for mustard a lot these days... I didn't even notice mustard being pushed back to a condiment I had to ask for... Maybe it's just me that likes mustard?

  2. And lose the ersatz cheese.

  3. What nasty sauce is on that beautiful rib?

    1. Huh? That's the only proper sauce for any BBQ, mustard based. Makes bad BBQ edible & good BBQ great.

  4. Bread on the side, looks great....yum yum

  5. I'd remove the piece with a handle and have that in my right hand and the rest in my left. Would need a straw for my beer though.
